Monday, January 22, 2007

So whatcha, whatcha, whatcha WANT?!?

Yes, I'm back (by not-so-popular demand). I suppose I can claim I have an audience now..... albeit only of one, but that still counts, dammit!

Anywho, perhaps I should find a theme for today's blog, seeing as it is so long-awaited (don't you know it, CC!) So today's theme will be: "not so well known ways to bond and strengthen your relationship with your significant other". Oh shhhuuuuuure, we all can quote Dr. Phil upsidedown and sideways and credit him with suggestions that we silly humans communicate, relate, empathize and gesticulate (?) with each other to bring ourselves closer together. But really, when you get down to it, sometimes that just simply takes far too much work. Here I present to you some 'real world, no nonsense' techniques for forging a healthier relationship with your partner:

1) Play XBox games together. The more violent the better. In fact, if you have the option to beat each other up in some form of street-fighting game, go for that. Not only will you end up swearing up a blue-streak at each other, you will CERTAINLY find more creative phrases to use in the bedroom.

2) Go to the museum. Chances are you'll probably have an engaging intellectual discussion about the merits of futurism in Italian architecture. Or you can just be happy with the fact that you'll likely be puzzled by the perspective of some piece, and wind up tilting your heads towards each other in bewilderment.... then PRESTO! you're engaged in a liplock..... Hey, I can dream, can't I?

3) Put Ikea furniture together. For those of you who have purchased items from Ikea, I probably don't need to elaborate. But, honey, if you can do this together..... you can take over the universe!! Mwa ha ha ha!

4) Watch a romantic 'chick flick' together. Either you'll end up crying and he'll comfort you with a cuddly hug..... or he'll end up crying and you can have a good laugh at his expense. Either way, it's win/win for you.

5) Cook dinner together. I don't know what it is about the smell of cooking food and bumping into each other in the kitchen..... ah, most would say it's the teamwork and preparing a rewarding meal together. But it's what happens after you both sample a little too much of the cooking wine that REALLY matters.

6) And lastly..... dance like no one is watching. That's right, it's sounds cheesy. But I'm not talking Barry White or Diana Krall, but rather Gwen Stefani or even better, 'SexyBack' by Justin Timberlake. Oh sure, you can show your partner how they do it in the strip clubs... but it's WAY funnier to compete to see who can dance the silliest. No, it won't land you a spot on "Dancing with the Stars" but it will guarantee you burn at least 17.45 calories with all the laughing.

Well, that's all for today.... tune into the Nebula next time.... you never know what space junk will turn up.....

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