Friday, January 5, 2007

My First Blog Post!

Good morning, those in search of meaningless rants! You've come to the right place!

Since today is my first entry into this new blog, I've decided to dedicate it to a topic that is near and dear to my heart: my cat, Charlie.

Now, I'm sure you've met a pet named Charlie in your past. Perhaps, a dog, a cat or a chinchilla? But no-thing compares to my dear little Charlie-cat; whose eyes are somewhat close together, but don't let that fool you... he really isn't too bright.

And since you're here, reading my nonsense, I suppose I should provide you with proof of his mental deficiencies:
  • He loves to chase reflections of light on the wall; not just ones made intentionally for our amusement, but those from a glass of water, a knife etc.
  • If he cannot reach these reflections of light, he will meow at them, in a strange wavering way, perhaps beckoning them to 'come closer!'
  • He doesn't always land on his feet (and, yes, this did require extensive research on our part.... but, don't worry, no animals were harmed in the study... oh wait...)
  • We're pretty sure he is afraid of tinfoil. My husband chased him around, crinkling it just to be sure that Charlie's puffed up tail was authentic.... it was
  • He will stalk insects on the floor in a 'supposedly' menacing manner... until they tickle his nose and he backs off

But let's not forget about the many rewarding reasons to have a pet cat, like Charlie.

  • He greets me when I come home, waiting to be picked up. But only on my left shoulder, where he will head butt me consistently. Why not the right shoulder, you ask? Because.
  • He will play with a feather on a string (attached to a stick) until he gets it in his mouth and actually plays tug 'o war with it. His nose gets all red and he actually snorts....

Well, that's enough for now.... until next time...... blogs away!

1 comment:

C said...

*waves hands around and mumbles*

(I know you know what I'm saying ;)

Happy blogging!