Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Designer Babies

Currently, I am reading a book loaned to me by a friend/co-worker, entitled "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult.

Basically, the premise of this book is that an infant girl, Kate, is diagnosed with APL (acute promyelocytic leukemia) that Wikipedia defines as:
"a subtype of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), a cancer of the blood and bone marrow .In APL, there is an abnormal accumulation of immature granulocytes called promyelocytes. The disease is characterized by a chromosomal translocation involving the retinoic acid receptor alpha (RARA) gene and is unique from other forms of AML in its responsiveness to all trans retinoic acid (ATRA) therapy."

Her prognosis is not good, as it is quite a rare disease, and she requires various risky treatments. Anyway, the parents make a very controversial decision to genetically engineer a 'test tube baby' to be a perfect genetic match to Kate, in order to increase Kate's longevity. Anna, the 'designer baby' has spent her entire childhood/life (she is 13 years old at the time of the story) donating red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and bone marrow to Kate, to help her fight off the leukemia. Not too far into the story, Anna is seen consulting local counsel in order to sue her parents for the rights to her own body, which sets the stage for the rest of the novel. What seems to have set her off is (not to mention her lifelong role as a forced 'donor' for Kate) the fact that Kate's kidneys are failing and naturally her parents are expecting Anna to donate a kidney.

Now, what's frustrating me throughout the book (I'm approximately in the middle now) is how Anna seems to be easily waffling between her convictions (to sue her parents and her rights to her own body) and her devotion to her sister. What seems to be the antagonist is their mother, Sara. Sometimes I just want to smack her. Sometimes I can't even imagine what it's like to live in constant fear that you will lose your eldest daughter to cancer at any moment. Regardless, having no children myself, I totally sympathize with Anna's plight. I see blaring favouritism and exploitation going on in this family. It's simply not fair that one child's life is worth more than another child's freedom. And don't even mention the fact that Anna was conceived (if you can call it that) for the sole purpose of providing 'spare parts' for her ill sister.

It seems perfectly appropriate that I would go to the wreckers and pick up a car that's rear end has been rendered useless for the purpose of extracting it's perfectly good engine; when I need this engine to repair my current vehicle. However, it does not seem perfectly appropriate to choose the attributes or 'parts' in a prospective child for the purpose of 'repairing' another child.

Children/babies should be conceived out of love. Out of a sense of wonder and commitment to their well-being and future. It is unfortunate for a family to have to deal with a fatal diagnosis in one of its children..... a diagnosis that will inevitably require their extreme time, money, effort and patience. Why would they want to bring another human being into the already volatile family unit? And risk depriving that new human being of its much deserved time, money, effort and patience?

I hang on with bated breath to see what lies ahead in this story. Deep down, I am rooting for Anna. I hope she gains the rights to her body. I hope she gets to go to prom, without having to worry about Kate's imminent hospital stay. I hope she gets to have her first kiss. I hope she gets to go to university. I hope she gets to live a full life. But most of all, I hope that her parents will finally give her the love and respect she deserves as a child of theirs....... not a child produced out of medical need.

Monday, January 22, 2007

So whatcha, whatcha, whatcha WANT?!?

Yes, I'm back (by not-so-popular demand). I suppose I can claim I have an audience now..... albeit only of one, but that still counts, dammit!

Anywho, perhaps I should find a theme for today's blog, seeing as it is so long-awaited (don't you know it, CC!) So today's theme will be: "not so well known ways to bond and strengthen your relationship with your significant other". Oh shhhuuuuuure, we all can quote Dr. Phil upsidedown and sideways and credit him with suggestions that we silly humans communicate, relate, empathize and gesticulate (?) with each other to bring ourselves closer together. But really, when you get down to it, sometimes that just simply takes far too much work. Here I present to you some 'real world, no nonsense' techniques for forging a healthier relationship with your partner:

1) Play XBox games together. The more violent the better. In fact, if you have the option to beat each other up in some form of street-fighting game, go for that. Not only will you end up swearing up a blue-streak at each other, you will CERTAINLY find more creative phrases to use in the bedroom.

2) Go to the museum. Chances are you'll probably have an engaging intellectual discussion about the merits of futurism in Italian architecture. Or you can just be happy with the fact that you'll likely be puzzled by the perspective of some piece, and wind up tilting your heads towards each other in bewilderment.... then PRESTO! you're engaged in a liplock..... Hey, I can dream, can't I?

3) Put Ikea furniture together. For those of you who have purchased items from Ikea, I probably don't need to elaborate. But, honey, if you can do this together..... you can take over the universe!! Mwa ha ha ha!

4) Watch a romantic 'chick flick' together. Either you'll end up crying and he'll comfort you with a cuddly hug..... or he'll end up crying and you can have a good laugh at his expense. Either way, it's win/win for you.

5) Cook dinner together. I don't know what it is about the smell of cooking food and bumping into each other in the kitchen..... ah, most would say it's the teamwork and preparing a rewarding meal together. But it's what happens after you both sample a little too much of the cooking wine that REALLY matters.

6) And lastly..... dance like no one is watching. That's right, it's sounds cheesy. But I'm not talking Barry White or Diana Krall, but rather Gwen Stefani or even better, 'SexyBack' by Justin Timberlake. Oh sure, you can show your partner how they do it in the strip clubs... but it's WAY funnier to compete to see who can dance the silliest. No, it won't land you a spot on "Dancing with the Stars" but it will guarantee you burn at least 17.45 calories with all the laughing.

Well, that's all for today.... tune into the Nebula next time.... you never know what space junk will turn up.....

Friday, January 5, 2007

My First Blog Post!

Good morning, those in search of meaningless rants! You've come to the right place!

Since today is my first entry into this new blog, I've decided to dedicate it to a topic that is near and dear to my heart: my cat, Charlie.

Now, I'm sure you've met a pet named Charlie in your past. Perhaps, a dog, a cat or a chinchilla? But no-thing compares to my dear little Charlie-cat; whose eyes are somewhat close together, but don't let that fool you... he really isn't too bright.

And since you're here, reading my nonsense, I suppose I should provide you with proof of his mental deficiencies:
  • He loves to chase reflections of light on the wall; not just ones made intentionally for our amusement, but those from a glass of water, a knife etc.
  • If he cannot reach these reflections of light, he will meow at them, in a strange wavering way, perhaps beckoning them to 'come closer!'
  • He doesn't always land on his feet (and, yes, this did require extensive research on our part.... but, don't worry, no animals were harmed in the study... oh wait...)
  • We're pretty sure he is afraid of tinfoil. My husband chased him around, crinkling it just to be sure that Charlie's puffed up tail was authentic.... it was
  • He will stalk insects on the floor in a 'supposedly' menacing manner... until they tickle his nose and he backs off

But let's not forget about the many rewarding reasons to have a pet cat, like Charlie.

  • He greets me when I come home, waiting to be picked up. But only on my left shoulder, where he will head butt me consistently. Why not the right shoulder, you ask? Because.
  • He will play with a feather on a string (attached to a stick) until he gets it in his mouth and actually plays tug 'o war with it. His nose gets all red and he actually snorts....

Well, that's enough for now.... until next time...... blogs away!