Wednesday, February 21, 2007

It's Quiet.... Too Quiet.

Well today is the day we've all been waiting for.... the day we get our treadmill! Anthony and I are both excited.... and dying to use it. Not sure how the workout schedule is going to work, but I suppose I perfectly prepared to flog him with a wet noodle so that I can use the treadmill first.

So in honour of our new piece of exercise equipment arriving this evening, I thought I would entertain you with a list of exercises we all can do..... even without the benefit of expensive equipment:

  • Trying to put an uncooperative cat in a cat carrier. Apparently I'm not the only one in the universe that has had difficulty with this. Check out this product (*Note: This is intended for those with a sense of humour about animal care and not for those that cry when a toy animal is injured):

  • Leaving the GO Station parking lot in your car. If it isn't the gracious drivers that constantly cut you off, it's those wonderful people that won't let you in. Before you know it, you've spent 15 minutes in a dreadfully slow line-up of exiting cars, causing every muscle in your body to tense: PRESTO! Instant total body toning!

  • Laughing. Oh it really doesn't matter if you're laughing at something or someone.... or even if you just amuse yourself: it is still a bona fide abdominal workout.

Well... that's all I've got for now......enjoy your new workout!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

My Sunday Rant

So today is Sunday at about 10 am and I'm still in my pajamas and it amazes me how much cats can sleep the only activity they really do is move around to find another place to sleep oh yeah and use the litter box if that can actually qualify as an activity I'm thinking of getting out of the house today need to get my eyebrows waxed and then may want to go to the mall Anthony has said he's going to buy a Treadmill today.... that's totally nuts! I mean they are really expensive and I don't have any doubts that I'll use it regularly but I hope it's not just a phase for him there are little footprints out in our backyard (if you can really call it a backyard - it's just a little deck with very little grass and only fenced in on the sides looking out into a common playground - I've always wanted to push Charlie down the slide) just under the dining room window and I really would love to see which neighbourhood creature is making them like is it a cat or that darned skunk which I really hope does NOT live under our deck but what can you do when your neighbours leave their stinking' garage door open it's like a darn invitation that reads 'hey all undesirable creatures of the neighbourhood, looking for a place to bunk? Well look no further' in fact sometimes they park one of their 2 cars in the garage and they can't even close the door because the car sticks out.... here's an easy solution: BUY A SMALLER CAR! Sheesh! Getting kinda hungry over here and I had a dream about being in Mexico with my family and my mother wanting pancakes so I went to the grocery store on the resort and found pancake mixture but it took me forever to find flour (the mixture called for flour) when I finally did find the flour I had to make my way through the maze of sofas (sofas?!?) and living room furniture (what the...?!?) well I DID say it was a dream and it doesn't really have to make any sense I also went to a kind of basin with change in it and traded a 'dollar ribbon' for 4 quarters..... yesterday I was having a staring contest with Charlie (he lost) and I wondered what the heck goes through his brain at any given moment like does he feel happy, relaxed, confused, angry ..... man am I ever hungry, I'm going to have (can you guess?) pancakes for breakfast alone, like yesterday, because Anthony is still asleep.... I'm beginning to think he is part cat.....