Monday, March 19, 2007

More of that rant stuff....

Well I know you're all dying to know how the treadmill thing is going and frankly, it's really going well I mean who knew that it actually facilitates burning calories and causes me to sweat (when it is used.... or while it's being folded.... you take your pick) And it's not just an expensive way to fling the cat across the room to see if he actually lands on his feet or his furry grapes Right now Charlie is lying behind it while it's folded and I think I may actually see a bead of sweat on his chin which may imply that sitting behind a treadmill and thinking about using it could actually cause someone to burn calories Or rather it's more likely that Charlie just finished dunking his head in his water bowl and now has a 'water-droplet-fumanchu' on his chin So I've been really itchy lately and I wanna believe that it's from dry skin, but someone suggested it was from stress or anxiety... I mean getting up in the morning (itch, itch, itch) doesn't really bum me out that much nor does a really irate (itch, itch, itch) student I really need to re-evaluate this stress-itch theory because surely we can't say that a GO train delay (itch, itch, itch) would cause me to scratch endlessly Hmmmm.... interesting I'm itchy as I'm typing this Could it be that the mere thought of trying to come up with something stimulating to write in my blog is making me itchy? Right now I could think of all the fabulous things I could scratch myself with For instance, a pitch fork, a rake, a rabid chinchilla, a chainsaw, a birch tree, an old lady's toenails, a punk with a lotta piercings, an angry hedgehog..... (itch, itch, itch).... the list is endless.....

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Update: Designer Babies

Anna dies in the end.... *sigh*....